太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
1. Twist the hips to the left and lower the right hand to just below the left hip, palm up.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
2. Step slightly to the right with the right leg and shift into a front stance twisting the hips to the left.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
3. Stretch out the arms by reaching out at 45° to the right with the right arm palm up while the gaze follows the left hand which reaches out to the left at 45°. At the same time twist the hips to the right.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
4. Turn the right foot on the heel 90° out to the right and draw the right hand in until the back of the thumb faces the left breast.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
5. Twisting the hips to the right, lower the left hand palm up to below the right hip.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
6. Step forward onto the left heel.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
7. Shift forward into a front stance.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
8. Twist the hips to the right.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
9. Stretch out the arms by reaching out at 45° to the left with the left hand palm up while the gaze follows the right hand which reaches out to the right at 45°. At the same time twist the hips to the left.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
10. Turn the left foot on its heel 90° out to the left and draw the left hand in until the back of the thumb faces the right breast.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
11. Twisting the hips to the left, lower the right hand palm up to below the left hip.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
12. Step forward placing the right heel on the ground.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
13. Shift forward into a front stance.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
14. Twist the hips to the left.
太極拳 (方拳) 71 野馬分鬃
15. Stretch out the arms by reaching out at 45° to the right with the right arm palm up while the gaze follows the left hand which reaches out to the left at 45°. At the same time twist the hips to the right.