Two-handed attacking position
Both sides ready
Left hand up right hand down
Attacker immediately seizes the top with both hands
Be the first to strike first
Both sides ready
Left hand up right hand down
Attacker immediately seizes the top with both hands
Attacker pushes forward with both hands
Feet leave the original position to lose
This is an active win
Sì Liǎng, Shuāng Chóng, Zhōng Ding, Hé
Attacker pushes forward with both hands
Defender tightens his waist and abdomen and straightens his back feet
This state is Sì Liǎng, Shuāng Chóng, Zhōng Ding, Hé
Attacker Jǐ Defender Bīng
Attacker pushes forward with both hands
Defender tightens the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints
and tighten the waist
lift each other up
Weight and strength hang on the hand
Turn around to resolve
Attacker Jǐ Defender Lǚ
Attacking side pushes forward with left hand
The defender buckles the elbow and walks to the left rear at the same time
Feet leave the original position to lose
This is a passive win
Attacker Jǐ Defender Cǎi
Attacking side pushes forward with both hands
Defender seals elbow with palm
The defender tightens the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints
and tighten the waist
Borrow the strength of the thigh from the back to pick up
Feet leave the original position to lose
This is a passive win
Tai Chi Heritage