太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
1. Shift forward into a front stance, swinging the left arm out to the left with the right fingertips resting on the left arm joint.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
2. Shift the weight back onto the right leg, drawing the left arm in by sinking the elbow. Twist at the waist to the right.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
3. Shift forward into a front stance and push out to the left with both hands. The face is framed by the left arm which is above the head and the right arm which is in front of the body.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
4. Pivot on the left heel to the right and draw the arms in so the right arm is at waist level, palm up, while the left is palm down above it.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
5. Turn 180° to the right by pivoting on the right heel and then stepping slightly out to the right with the right heel.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
6. Shift forward into a front stance, swinging the right arm around to the right with the left fingertips resting on the right arm joint.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
7. Shift the weight back onto the left leg and draw the right arm in by sinking the elbow.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
8. Twist at the waist to the left.
太極拳 (方拳) 77 玉女穿梭
9. Shift forward into a front stance and push out to the right with both hands. The face is framed by the right arm which is curved above the head and the left hand which is in front of the body.