Unknown and unfelt
Both sides prepare
Start point 1 Touch hand
Start point 2 Left hand up and right hand down
Start point 3 Both hands on top
Push forward past center position
Squeeze in the direction of the weak line
Defender loses in unknown and unfelt
Offensive and defensive swap
Known and felt
Both sides prepare
Start point 1 Touch hand
Start point 2 Left hand up and right hand down
Start point 3 Both hands on top
Push forward
The defender tightens the waist and abdomen to balance
The attacking side squeezes to the direction of the weak line
The defender loses in Known and felt
offensive and defensive swap
Will know and will feel
Both sides prepare
Start point 1 Touch hand
Start point 2 Left hand up and right hand down
Start point 3 Both hands on top
Squeeze forward
The defender relaxes the shoulder joints
Offensive attack is invalid
defender wins in will know and will feel
offensive and defensive swap
Sorry, my English no good, hope you understand
Tai Chi Heritage https://en.hktaichi.com