Tai Chi Heritage https://en.hktaichi.com

Tai Chi Square Form 95-97 Styles

1. Step up  
Keep your body upright 
2. Step forward 
Right hand reaches towards the left corner 
3. Turn your waist so that the right hand is extended towards the right corner. 
Right palm faces toward the sky, slightly higher than shoulder level 
1. Sit back. The right palm should be at face height. 
The toes of the right foot point to the sky. 
2. Press down with the right palm to the level of the Dantian. 
3. Shift into a front stance, pushing the palm forward and slightly to the left. You should be leaning forward with the front leg bent and the back leg straight. 
(96) The Single Whip 
1. Right hand forms a hook and the right foot rotates inward 
When rotating, the center of gravity is on the right heel 
2. Take half a step to the side with your left foot. Both feet should be in a straight line. 
3. Open the left hand with the palm inwards at a 45-degree angle to the face. 
Shift your weight onto both feet 
Turn the waist to the back corner 
Push the palm forward while bending the knees and sinking 
Look at the left hand 
Hands are slightly above the shoulders 
(97) Wave Hands In Clouds (Turning Hands) 
1. Turn waist right 
Right foot to the right corner 
Shift your weight to the right. 
2. Left foot to right corner 
The left hand passes the thigh and touches the right wrist

To be continued. Thank you for watching. Attention please.
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