Tai Chi Heritage https://en.hktaichi.com

Tai Chi Square Form 7-8 Styles

(7)  Raise Hands And Step Up
2 . Bring the right leg and right hand across to the front. 
The right leg should be directly in front of the right shoulder. 
The right hand should be in line with the center of the chest.
3. Place your left palm straight in front of your chest

1. Shift the center of gravity to the front foot and lean forward.
2. Step forward with the left foot so that it is in line with the right foot. 
Shift the weight to both feet.
Bring the torso upright.
3. Lift your right hand and lower your left hand.
Straighten your legs.

(8) White Crane Flaps Its Wings
1. Bend forward
Keep your legs straight.
2. Turn waist 90 degrees to the left
3. Lift the left arm. The arms should be bent slightly at the elbow, as if to make an arch.

1. Bring the torso upright
Hands above the head
Eyes look forward

To be continued. Thank you for watching. Attention please.
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