Tai Chi Heritage https://en.hktaichi.com

Tai Chi Square Form 106-108 Styles 

(106) Snake Creeps Down 
2. Turn your waist to the left 
Put your right hand in front of your left hand 
Pivoting on the ball of the foot, move the right heel outward. 
3. Turn waist right 
Put your left hand in front of your right hand 
Turn the right foot outward at the heel. 

1. Sit back and sink your elbows 
Draw your hands in towards your chest. 
2. Turn your waist right  
Sink to the ground while moving your hands in a circular motion down to the right and then up to chest height. 
Turn your waist to the left 
3. Point the left foot forward. 
Shift the weight into a front stance. 
The left hand protects the forehead and the right hand protects the private parts.  

(107) Step Up, Seven Stars 
1. Hands crossed 
Step up with your right leg. The right leg is raised with the toes of the right foot resting on the ground. 

(108) Step Back To Ride The Tiger 
2. Bring the right leg back and assume a front stance. 
3. Sit back 
Left toes pointing skyward 
1. Raise the left leg. The toes rest on the ground. 
2. Bring the hands down and extend out to the sides 
Left hand makes a hook, the right hand is open 
3. Left hand remains a hook and rotates at the wrist so that the fingertips point to the sky 
Turn waist right 
The elbow acts as the centre of the circle while the hand moves in a clockwise direction from 9 o’clock to 7 o’clock. The fingertips of the hooked left hand should now point away from the body and upwards. 
Right hand protects the forehead.

To be continued. Thank you for watching. Attention please.
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