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Tai Chi Square Form 113-116 Styles
(113) Slap The Face
2. Turn your waist to the left
Hold your left hand high to protect your head
Move your right hand around to the left
3. Shift the weight into a front stance.
Left hand slaps forward
(114) Turn Body And Swing Fist
1. Make fists with both hands and bring them back to your chest
2. Turn waist right
Step out with your right foot so that your feet are shoulder-width apart
3. Right fist swings forward.
The left hand is open and follows.
The left palm should be above the right fist.
(115) Step Up To Pat The Horse High
1. Turn waist right while simultaneously turning the right foot at the heel. Hands are drawn apart.
Step up with the left leg and rest the toes on the ground.
Turn the waist back around so as to face straight on while simultaneously drawing the left hand back and pressing the right hand down. Left hand touches right wrist.
(116) Step Up, Grasping The Bird’s Tail
2. Turn waist right
Draw the right hand back around to the right and then down. Left hand moves at the same time and the fingers remain touching the right wrist.
When the hands are just under the ribs, turn the right hand so that the palm faces up and turn the left hand so that the palm faces down. Move the hands up and diagonally to the left.
Turn your waist to the left
Step forward with your right foot
Shift the weight into a front stance. Front leg is bent and back leg is straight.
Right hand reaches to the left corner, with the palm facing inward.
3. Turn the waist, together with the arms, to the right. The right hand reaches to the right corner.
1. Sit back, with the right palm at face height.
Toes of the right foot point towards the sky.
To be continued. Thank you for watching. Attention please.
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