Pull hand
Both sides ready
When both hands touch
Immediately pull the opponent to the rear left
Feet leave the original position then lose
This is an active win
Sink stance Center stable
When both hands touch
Immediately pull the opponent to the rear left
The defender immediately sink stance and relaxed his upper body
Sì liang weight and force
Both sides ready
When both hands touch
Immediately pull the opponent to the rear left
The defender immediately sink stance and relaxed his upper body
Grasp the wrist with both hands and then use Sì liang
Give weight and force back to opponent
make it lose balance
Feet leave the original position then lose
This is a passive win
Pull hand Center stable Cover hand
Both sides ready
When both hands touch
Immediately pull the opponent to the rear left
The defender immediately sink stance and relaxed his upper body
The attacker cover hand and elbow then pushes to the right rear
Feet leave the original position to lose
This is an active win
Tai Chi Heritage https://en.hktaichi.com