Tai Chi Heritage https://en.hktaichi.com

Tai Chi Square Form 74-76 Styles

2. Shift the weight into a front stance. The right palm is facing up and reaches towards the right corner.
3. Shift the weight back into a sitting stance. 
Forearm is raised at a right angle to the bicep.
Turn the waist 90 degrees.
Push out with the palms. Right hand is horizontal. Fingers of the left hand point up.

(75) The Seven Stars Style
1. Sit back.
2. Bring your left hand in line with the centre of your chest while making a small step inward with your right foot. Remain facing forward.
3. Bring your right hand across so that the right wrist touches the fingertips of the left hand.

(76) Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane
1. Your right hand, with an upward-facing palm, cuts across the body to your left hip.  
Position your left hand, palm out, on the outside of your shoulder.
2. Step out to the side with the front foot so that the legs are shoulder-width apart.
 Shift the weight into a front stance.
Unwind the body to face forward.
3. Turn the body inward at the waist, and then unwind to face forward. Arms should be at 45-degree angles from the body.
The right palm is facing up and the left palm is facing down.
The right hand is slightly higher than the left hand and the shoulders. Look towards the left hand.
1.Turn your right foot outwards and sink your right elbow.
2. Left hand cuts across the body to the right hip.

To be continued. Thank you for watching. Attention please.
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